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Restaurant: +34 987598497

Factory/Shop: 987598513 - +34 639931437

Our Factory

The elaboration of our products has been completely designed, from their origins to their final tasting, to satisfy the most demanding palates. We respect and preserve our gastronomic tradition.

Discover Our Two Factories

At Fábrica de Embutidos y Jamones Ezequiel we have more than 5,000 square metres of infrastructure, as well as the most highly-qualified professionals. But we also take advantage of the best weather conditions.

The climate of the mountains of León is essential in the production of our sausages and, therefore, in obtaining a unique flavour and quality.

Sausage factory

Villamanín de la Tercia- León

Cecina factory

La Robla - León

Our History and Development

Speaking about Fábrica de Embutidos y Jamones Ezequiel means to talk about more than 70 years of experience dedicated to the artisan elaboration of sausages.


Ezequiel starts selling meat products

The 70s:

His son Amador promotes and expands the business nationally, making the Ezequiel company's good work popular.

The 90s:

The company and values pass into the hands of the third generation, Ezequiel García.


Ezequiel García continues at the head of the company, always looking for the best quality and raw materials. International expansion and business expansion.

Since 1945, with more than 75 years of experience, Ezequiel has preserved the tradition, making its sausages in the traditional way for three generations of the same family. All with the same purpose: the traditional sausage, without additives or preservatives.

Quality Certifications

The commitment towards quality, authenticity and innovation is present in each of Embutidos Ezequiel's products. For this reason, we have been granted with several certifications that prove our good practices. These certificates help us to develop and improve, always taking the maximum care of our production processes and maintaining the tradition that precedes us.

On one side, we have the Protected Geographical Indication 'Cecina de León' which certifies that our pieces of cecina have a minimum curing period of 7 months, coming from large cattle of the autochthonous bovine breed belonging to the area of Castilla y León.

The collective brands 'Chorizo de León' and 'Tierra de Sabor' guarantee the quality and authenticity of our charcuterie. The 'Tierra de Sabor' brand covers agri-food products protected by a certification body, which have a superior quality and are linked to the region of Castilla y León.

On the other side, the IFS FOOD certification, guarantees that our elaboration process safeguards the food innocuousness, as well as the healthiness of the marketed product.

Finally, and no less important, the AENOR certificate for Iberian pork products, which, in accordance with Royal Decree 4/2014, approves the quality standard for Iberian meat, ham, shoulder and loin. The presentation of these products is Bellota, Cebo and Cebo de Campo in racial percentages of 50%, 75% and 100% Iberian.

Embutidos Ezequiel