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How to cook chorizo on the grill | Learn to cook this delicious dish

5/2/2023 12:00:00 AM |

Grilled chorizo is a delicious dish that can be made quickly and easily at home.

Here are some simple steps to cook freshly grilled chorizo:

Preheat the grill or charcoal grill to medium-high heat.

While the grill is heating, cut the chorizo into slices about 1 cm thick.

Once the grill is hot, place the chorizo slices on the grill and cook for about 3 to 4 minutes on each side, until golden brown and cooked through.

Use tongs to turn the chorizo slices to prevent them from breaking.

When the chorizo is done, remove from the grill and let it rest for a few minutes before serving.

How to prepare the coals for a barbecue?

Preparing the coals for the barbecue is an important step to get a good cooking on the grill and a delicious taste in the food. Here are some steps to prepare the coals for the barbecue:

Choose the right fuel: you can use different types of fuel for the barbecue, such as charcoal, charcoal briquettes, wood or gas. If you are using charcoal, choose a quality one and make sure it is dry for even burning.

Prepare the amount of charcoal you need: the amount of charcoal you need depends on the size of the barbecue and the amount of food you want to cook. Calculate about 1/2 kg of charcoal for every 30 cm of grill diameter.

Light the coals: You can light the coals with a charcoal lighter or by using newspaper and matches. If using newspaper, crumple up several sheets of paper and place them on the base of the grill. Place the charcoal on the paper and light it with matches. If using a lighter, place the charcoal on the grill and light the lighter.

Wait for the coals to heat up: it is important to wait until the coals are hot and covered with white ash before placing the food on the grill. This can take about 20-30 minutes, depending on the type of fuel and the amount of coals.

Distribute coals evenly: For even cooking, it is important to distribute the coals evenly. You can place all the coals on one side of the grill to create a hot and a cool zone, or spread the coals evenly over the entire grill.

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Presentation or side dish suggestions:

To accompany a grilled chorizo, there are several options that can enhance its flavor and make it a delicious dish. Here are a few suggestions to accompany grilled chorizo:

Barbecue bread: A slice of freshly baked barbecue bread is perfect to accompany a grilled chorizo. You can slice it and lightly toast it on the grill before serving.
Tomato and Onion Salad: A fresh tomato and onion salad is a great choice to balance the strong flavor of grilled chorizo. Simply slice the ripe tomatoes and onion thinly, season with olive oil, vinegar and salt, and serve on a plate as a side dish.
Chimichurri: Chimichurri is a traditional Argentine sauce made with parsley, garlic, vinegar, olive oil and spices. Its fresh and spicy flavor is perfect to accompany a grilled chorizo. You can serve it in a small bowl with the chorizo.
Baked Potatoes: Baked potatoes are a classic side dish that goes very well with grilled chorizo. Cut the potatoes into thin slices and grill until golden and crispy.
Tomato Sauce: A homemade or store-bought tomato sauce is an easy and tasty option to accompany grilled chorizo. Serve the sauce in a small bowl next to the chorizo so your guests can add as much as they like.

These are just a few suggestions for side dishes for grilled chorizo sausage. You can experiment with different options and find the perfect combination for you and your guests' tastes. Enjoy your grilled meal!

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